They said foreign correspondents who stayed too long in a place went blind.
他, 外记者在一个地方待太久就变不能发现了。
He set up a network of foreign correspondents for the Sunday Times (some were probably recruited as MI6 agents) and found refuge in Jamaica, building Goldeneye, a house with steps down to the sea where he could scuba-dive with sharks.
他为《星期日泰晤士报》建立了一个外国记者网络(其中一些可能被招募为军情六处特工), 并在牙买加找到了避难所,建造了“黄金眼” ,这是一栋带有台阶的房子, 通往大海,在那里他可以与鲨鱼一起潜水。